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group chat中文是什么意思

用"group chat"造句"group chat"怎么读"group chat" in a sentence


  • 群聊


  • This group chat does not support inviting icq buddies
  • One - to - one chat and one - to - many group chat modes are supported
  • Others , such as ms cipriani , believe group chats could be “ extremely useful ”
    但希普里亚尼女士等人则认为,结伴聊天会“非常有益” 。
  • Hello ! people would you like to have group chats here ? for example java group chat
  • We here don ' t have group chat yet do we ? if can have access to it how better funs , like also can chat with vips together too
  • Abstract : this paper analyzed a solution of how to manage chatroom member ' s structure and how to keep them synchronous in the client . ? the paper expatiated how to design and implement the frame of a group chating module , provided a reference to the development of the similar module
用"group chat"造句  
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